
Montana Fair Housing


We have been there for you for 37 years. Now we are asking you to be there for us.

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Reasonable Modifications are physical alterations of a dwelling or common area that affords the person with the disability full use and enjoyment of the dwelling and all public and common areas.

The household may be required to pay for physical alterations to a unit or site, and may be required to restore some alterations to original condition when vacating.

HUD/DOJ Memo - Modifications

Reasonable Accommodations are alterations to rules, policies, practices or services to afford a person with a disability equal opportunity to use and enjoy the dwelling unit, including common use areas, by ameliorating the symptoms of the disability.

HUD/DOJ Memo - Accommodations

2020 HUD Memo on Service / Assistance Animals

HUD Guidance on Assistance Animals - A Fact Sheet

HUD Memo on Insurance and Assistance Animals

Montana Code Annotated - Service Animals - Know the difference between an assistance and a service animal.

In Montana there are potential penalties for misrepresentation.

Right to be Accompanied By Service Animal

2023 MCA - Emotional support animals -- documentation.

MFH's Guide for Healthcare Providers and Residents/Applicants

Design and Construction on New Multi-Family Housing:

In buildings of four or more units ready for first occupancy after March 13, 1991:

  • Public and common areas must be accessible to persons with disabilities

  • Doors and hallways must be wide enough for wheelchairs

  • All units must have:

    • An accessible route into and through the unit

    • Accessible light switches, electrical outlets, thermostats and other environmental controls

    • Reinforced bathroom walls to allow later installation of grab bars and

    • Kitchens and bathrooms that can be used by people in wheelchairs.

If a building with four or more units has no elevator and will be ready for first occupancy after March 13, 1991, these standards apply only to ground floor units.

These requirements for new buildings do not replace more stringent standards in State or local law.

HUD DOJ Joint Statement on Design and Construction

Design and Construction Guide (Large PDF File 25.6mb)

Accessibility First


Website Accesibility Requirements


Comments or questions about this website should be directed to Montana Fair Housing.